Delmarva Photo Tours and Workshops
Here is some more info on the Delmarva Photo Tours and Workshops
Nearest Airports
There are several airports you can use for this trip. This will help you chose. There is also smaller regional airports (not listed).
Baltimore Washington International (Airport Code: BWI)
Distance to Cambridge MD: This is our meeting point.
78 miles (1 hour and 30 min)
Distance to Dover DE: This is our ending point
Drive 85 miles (1 hour and 40 min)
Ronald Regan Washington National (Airport Code: DCA)
Distance to Cambridge MD: This is our meeting point.
92 miles (1 hour and 40 min)
Distance to Dover DE: This is our ending point
Drive 98 miles (1 hour and 50 min)
Philadelphia International (Airport Code: PHL)
Distance to Cambridge MD: This is our meeting point.
116 miles (2 hours and 17 min)
Distance to Dover DE: This is our ending point
Drive 71 miles (1 hour and 8 min)
Washington Dulles International (Airport Code: IAD)
Distance to Cambridge MD: This is our meeting point.
116 miles (2 hours and 6 min)
Distance to Dover DE: This is our ending point
Drive 123 miles (2 hours and 15 min)